Paul Geelen, ‘Mólubdos Manteía’ (2014)
Molten lead on metal structure.
Stills from ‘Live feed’ by Erin Shireff
In Shireff’s online project Live Feed (2007–ongoing) we can watch her walking around a vaguely human-shaped mound of clay that dominates her tiny studio. Though this is supposedly a ‘live feed’ of artistic creation, despite Shirreff’s constant movement the clay monolith lies inert, failing to take shape as a sculpture.
‘Calculator haikus’, by Amos Latteier
Latteier wrote haikus by using the numbers on calculators to form words and then turning the calculator upside down.
“The calculator vocabulary is rather limited. I have come up with 118 words. I wrote a program to search the dictionary and select words that can be spelled using the letters that can be formed on a calculator. Among these are such choice words as gigolo, besiege, and ghee.”
Here’s one:
“Illegible blob
Legless eggshell oozes oil
Elegize his loss
Hellish shoe is beige
I slosh soil, slog hill
Hobble, oh high heel”
Scumak 2′ (2001) by Roxy Paine. An automated sculpture maker creates an endless series of amorphous sculptural blobs.