Tag Archives: blob

Paul Geelen



Paul Geelen, ‘Mólubdos Manteía’ (2014)

Molten lead on metal structure.


Thomas Rentmeister

thomasrentmeister_untitled, 2013 chicken wire, Nutella

thomasrentmeister_untitled, 2013 chicken wire, Nutella-1

thomasrentmeister_untitled, 2013 chicken wire, Nutella-2

Thomas Rentmeister, untitled (2013)

Chicken wire and Nutella.

Nate Hess


Still from ‘3D Model with Fingerprints’ (2009) by Nate Hess.

Rachel de Joode


by Rachel de Joode

Mike Kelley

Mike_KELLEY_SS Cuttlebone, 2000

Mike Kelley, ‘SS Cuttlebone’ (2000)

Rachel de Joode

rachel de joode - sculpture in between the blinds 2012

Rachel de Joode, ‘Sculpture in between the blinds’ (2012)

Asger Carlsen

From the series ‘Wrong’ by Asger Carlsen

Erin Shireff

Stills from ‘Live feed’ by Erin Shireff

In Shireff’s online project Live Feed (2007–ongoing) we can watch her walking around a vaguely human-shaped mound of clay that dominates her tiny studio. Though this is supposedly a ‘live feed’ of artistic creation, despite Shirreff’s constant movement the clay monolith lies inert, failing to take shape as a sculpture.

Amos Latteier



‘Calculator haikus’, by Amos Latteier

Latteier wrote haikus by using the numbers on calculators to form words and then turning the calculator upside down.

“The calculator vocabulary is rather limited. I have come up with 118 words. I wrote a program to search the dictionary and select words that can be spelled using the letters that can be formed on a calculator. Among these are such choice words as gigolo, besiege, and ghee.”

Here’s one:

“Illegible blob
Legless eggshell oozes oil
Elegize his loss

Hellish shoe is beige
I slosh soil, slog hill

Hobble, oh high heel”


Roxy Paine


Scumak 2′ (2001) by Roxy Paine. An automated sculpture maker creates an endless series of amorphous sculptural blobs.

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