Tag Archives: Art

Ethan Hayes-Chute

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   Shopping Cart

Ascii art by Ethan Hayes-Chute.

Bruce Nauman

Bruce Nauman, ‘Square depression’ (2007)

at the Skulptur Projekte Münster.

Guerrilla Girls

Guerrilla Girls, ‘Advantages of being a woman artist’ (1989)

Pawel Szostak

, ‘I’ve got art in my tummy’ (2011-2012)

Szostak went to pizza-restaurants in Vienna to trade prints of famous paintings with a pizza photoshopped into them for the pizza depicted in the print.

Julien Berthier

‘A Lost’ (2011) by Julien Berthier.

Natalya Lobanova

by Natalya Lobanova

Ann-Elise Coste

Ann-Elise Coste, ‘Professionalization is killing art’ (2008)

Piet Mondriaan’s 140th Birthday

Today marks the 140th birthday of Piet Mondrian!

See more images how his style keeps influencing daily life in our ever expanding collection.

(image via Naomi Taverdin)

Aleksandra Mir

Pictures from Aleksandra Mir‘s ‘Big Umbrella’ project in London (2004)

Adam Vackar

‘Main d’œuvre’ (2008) by Adam Vackar

In the project Main d’œuvre,Vackar invited a worker to an academy of fine arts to make his own self-portrait in clay. In the fifties under the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, as part of the communist utopia, workers were invited to make and teach art at the art schools.