Monthly Archives: May 2012

Billy Rennekamp

‘Anibals’ (2011) by Billy Rennekamp.


Ai Wei Wei

Ai Wei Wei, ‘Watermelons’ (2007)


(thanks again)

Daniel Eatock

‘Watermelon & swimming cap’ (2011) by Daniel Eatock

Alex Turgeon

Alex Turgeon, ‘Pool of fruit’ (2011)

Daniel Spoerri

Daniel Spoerri, ‘Tableau piège’ (1972)

Mixed media in plexiglass box

Dragoljub Rasa Todosijevic

Dragoljub Raša Todosijevic, ‘Balkan Banquet’ (2002) from the series ‘Gott liebt die Serben’

Gabrielle De Vietri

Gabrielle De Vietri, ‘Dumpster Feast’ (2004)
Feast prepared from food recovered from supermarket and shop bins over one day.


(thanks again)

Pawel Szostak

, ‘I’ve got art in my tummy’ (2011-2012)

Szostak went to pizza-restaurants in Vienna to trade prints of famous paintings with a pizza photoshopped into them for the pizza depicted in the print.