‘PET-Flasche’ (2008) by Tue Greenfort.
“Producing 1 kilogram of PET plastic requires 17,5 kilograms of water and results in air emissions of 40 grams of hydrocarbons, 25 grams of sulphur oxides, 18 grams of carbon Monoxide, 20 grams dioxide. In terms of water use alone, much more is consumed in making the bottles than will ever go into them.”

Tue Greenfort, ‘A fly’s composition’ (2004)
Series of 10 photographs on aluminium.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, animal, collection, Composition, condensation, drawing, feet, fly, found, fun, insect, legs, lines, nature, nervous, romance, steps, the wild, traces, walk, window

Tue Greenfort, ‘Water cooler’ (2008)
The artist tapped into the museum’s water supply and brought it from the basement up to the second floor, where it was cooled by frozen boxes of concentrated fruit juice and provided to visitors for free.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, concentrated, cooler, cooling, DIY, free, frozen, fruit juice, fuckem, installation, performance, process, relational aesthetics, romance, slow, sugar, supply, the wild, water
Tue Greenfort
Tue Greenfort, ‘Bio-Wurstwolke – After Dieter Roth 1969’ (2007)
‘Daimlerstraße 38’ (2001)
The animals were allured by a sausage. When the fox bit in the bait, it activated the camera connected by a cord with the sausage. One week later the animals had learned to eat the sausage without being photographed.
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