Dylan Lynch , ‘Standing alone with three cinder blocks (red)’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged America , architecture , balance , blocks , building , cinder , collection , concrete , crowbar , DIY , Dylan Lynch , found , fuckem , fun , light , sculpture , stack , standing , unknown , USA , wall
Le Corbusier , ‘Freehold maisonettes – the hanging gardens’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged apartments , architecture , black , design , DIY , drawing , france , freehold , gardens , grid , hanging , ideal , Le Corbusier , maisonettes , modernism , romance , society , structure , switzerland , utopia , white
Model for Yona Friedman ‘s ‘Ville Spatiale’.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture , city , conceptual , design , france , grid , idealism , israel , mesh , modular , place , public space , romance , spatial , structure , theory , unknown , urbanism , ville spatiale , wire , yona friedman
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged assemblage , boat , collection , DIY , found , germany , hans-peter feldmann , installation , man , narrative , naval , painting , portrait , romance , scene , sea , sequence , ship , story , the wild , unknown , wall , woman
Works from the exhibition ‘Social … Quasi Social … Solitary …Spiders … On Hybrid Cosmic Webs’ by Tomás Saraceno at Esther Schipper, Berlin .
A display of hybrid spiderwebs made by various species of spiders. The result: webs on top and inside of other webs, webs woven by rare species of social spiders with webs of solitary, asocial spiders.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , alone , architecture , asocial , berlin , collection , esther schipper , found , hybrid , installation , light , mix , nature , romance , sculpture , social , spiders , Tomás Saraceno , unknown , weave , webs , woven
Paul Geelen , Untitled (2013)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged beginning , bonded , collection , connected , end , found , paul geelen , romance , sculpture , tie wraps , tied , two , unknown
Frank O´Hara reading his poem “Having a coke with you” in his flat in New York in 1966, shortly before his accidental death.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged autobiography , coke , DIY , Frank O'Hara , having , house , language , life , love , New York , performance , poem , poetry , romance , text , unknown , with you , writer , writing
Mark Manders , ‘Shadow Study II’ (2010)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged bone , collection , color , cup , dark , light , Mark Manders , meeting , romance , sculpture , shadow study , similarity , thigh , unknown , white