Tag Archives: street view

Endre Tót


‘Hopes in the nothing’ (1994) by Endre Tót

Bill Murray

Bill Murray improvises multiple takes of a rant against technology for a TV show promo, New York City (1982)

Robert Altman

Opening scene from ‘The Player’, by Robert Altman (1992)

Baillie Walsh

Baillie Walsh‘s video for Massive Attack’s ‘Unfinished Sympathy’ (1991)

Lucia Nimcova

Lucia Nimcova, ‘Exercise’ (2007)


Elizaveta Konovalova

‘Noir et black’ (2011) by Elizaveta Konovalova

Dan Perjovschi

by Dan Perjovschi

Anri Sala

Anri Sala, ‘A Spurious Emission’ (2008)

The performance is based on an experience that Anri Sala had while driving across Arizona, listening to baroque chamber music on his car radio. As he pulled into a rest area, an unknown radio station playing country music intermittently interrupted the baroque music. Anri Sala commissioned a composer to transpose this sound experience into a musical score, performed by a baroque trio, a country band and a radio announcer.

Luis Galán García & Daniel Fernández Pascual

Luis Galán García & Daniel Fernández Pascual, ‘Road Trip through Madrid’s Bubble Challenge’ (2010)

After a decade of unprecedented real estate development, Madrid starts to deal with its contemporary ruins: on one hand, more than 47,000 empty apartments wait for a first buyer (Asprima report/Dec.2009), and on the other, hundreds of kilometres of perfectly paved streets run between eerie blocks, waiting for a first construction on their sides.

Road Trip through Madrid’s Bubble Challenge’ is an on-going photo-reportage of these frozen in time areas of development. Can they become the natural protected areas of the future?