Tag Archives: street view

Patricia Esquivias

Patricia Esquivias, ‘111-119 Generalisimo/Castellana’ (2012)

Jef Geys

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Jef Geys, pages from ‘Kempens Informatieblad ‘ (1971-2013)

Since 1971, Jef Geys has been publishing the newspaper Kempens Informatieblad which was a local publication in Kempen, Belgium. Geys prints and distributes Kempens house-to-house, and often produces them in line with his exhibitions.

A more recent edition : Warande (2013)

Raluca Croitoru

Screen shot 2014-04-10 at 21.27.18 Screen shot 2014-04-10 at 21.27.23 Screen shot 2014-04-10 at 21.27.28 Raluca Croitoru, ‘THE EYES OF NICOLAE BOTGROS’ (2013)

A series documenting the world that Nicolae Botgros sees through his poster eyes. The artist placed the camera viewfinder on his eyes and shot 36 consecutive frames.

Roeland Tweelinckx

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Roeland Tweelinckx, ‘Willful paving’ (2012)

five times 3.5 x 20 x 20 cm / five pavement stones, cement and glue & environment

Richard Wentworth

wentworth caledonian road, london

Richard Wentworth, ‘Caledonian Road, London, 2007‘ (2013)

Sofie Grevelius


Sofie Grevelius

Anca Benera

anca benera

From Anca Benera‘s ‘Navigating London’s Lost Rivers’ performance (2011)



Salami Business Solutions‘ on New Cross Road, London.

Ivan Argote



Ivan Argote, ‘More Formal’ (2009)

Mircea Cantor

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Mircea Cantor, ‘All the Directions’ (2000)