Ad Reinhardt, ‘Symmetrical Male Figure (Woman in a Man’s Soul)’, ‘Symmetrical Three Figure Hatch (Male into Female)’, ‘Symmetrical Two Travelers’ (1946)
India ink on paper
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged ad reinhardt, american, collection, dichotomy, double, drawing, figures, india ink, nature, paper, symbols, the wild, travelers, twin, union, unknown, woman in a man's soul

Susan Hiller, ‘Homage to Yves Klein, Levitation (Child)’ (2011)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, bed, bedroom, black and white, child, DIY, float, fuckem, hommage, levitation, light, magic, performance, photograph, posture, romance, supernatural, susan hiller, the wild, Yves Klein

‘Coca-Cola Kabbala’ (2012) by Jan Huijben
The kabbalistic symbol of the tree of life noticed in the pattern of the bottom of a Coca Cola crate.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged coca cola, found, found object, fuckem, jan huijben, kabbala, life, light, pattern, public art, romance, the wild, tree, unknown

Peter Coffin, ‘The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest form of Art’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged act, Art, beer, bruce nauman, drinking, form, fun, highest, line, Peter Coffin, romance, spiral, statement, text, truth, unknown

Peter Coffin, ‘Untitled (Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes mystic truths)’ (2006)

‘Mystic Truth (calling Bruce)’ (2007) by Barbara Visser.
Framed page from the 1991 telephone book of New Mexico, featuring the telephone number of artist Bruce Nauman.