Tag Archives: money

Claire Fontaine

??? by Claire Fontaine

Boris Dornbusch

‘Slow change’ (2009) by Boris Dornbusch

Christian Capurro

Another Misspent Portrait of Etienne de Silhouette‘ (1999 – 2004) by Christian Capurro.

Christian Capurro asked anonymous people to erase a page from a 246-page issue of Vogue Hommes magazine from 1986. They were also asked to write in pencil on their erased page both the time it took them to do this and whatever monetary value they currently received at work for their time, translated into an hourly rate or rates. The erasing took 5 years to complete and involved over 250 people.

Roman Pfeffer

‘Portrait of a man with a size of 181 cm.’ (2009)


‘One Million Euro’ (2008) by Roman Pfeffer.

2000 pieces of 500 Euro banknotes separated in paper and ink.

David F. Mutiloa, Alvaro Icaza, Gloria Fernandez, Joaquín Reyes

‘Transacción’ (2010) by David F. MutiloaAlvaro Icaza, Gloria Fernandez and Joaquín Reyes.

The prize money of a government award was turned into 1 euro cents and offered back to the public during an exhibition.

Michael Stevenson

‘The fountain of prosperity’ (2007) by Michael Stevenson

The Fountain of Prosperity (2007) is a reconstruction of the ‘Moniac’, a machine designed in the late 1940s by New Zealand economist Bill Phillips to illustrate the concept of monetary flow in national economies. A fixed volume of red-dyed water, representing money, is pumped through a system of transparent tubes and sluices into clear chambers representing factors such as ‘surplus balances’ and ‘International Monetary Funds’. Regarded as an extremely developed tool for analysing economic functions, 15 of these devices were built and shipped around the world. Stevenson discovered that one of the machines was acquired by the Central Bank of Guatemala in 1952, and has imagined what it might look like today. His replica is corroding and leaking, and the chamber marked ‘held balances’ is empty, suggesting that the economic model it represents is on the verge of collapse.

Read more about the project here.

Gavin Turk

’50/50′ (2007) by Gavin Turk.

An eternally spinning two pence coin on a table top.

Ahmet Ögüt

‘Perfect lovers’ (2008) by Ahmet Ögüt.

A two Euro coin and a Turkish lira coin.


Send him your money‘ (2010)

On March 21st 1979, American Artist, Chris Burden made a live performance of ‘send me your money’ on KPFK radio in Los Angeles.”‘Send me your money” is a spoken word piece in which Burden asks listeners to send the artist some money to his address at 823 Ocean Front Walk, Venice, California 90291. (Listen to it here.)

Ahmet Ögüt has made a re-work of this 1979 piece, with only changing Burden’s address into his address in Amsterdam. (Listen here.)


“1 of 1000 ways to stabilise a wobbly table” (2010) by Ahmet Ögüt.

Dan Tague

Three images from Dan Tague‘s series ‘Cash rules everything around me’

Maria Eichhorn


Maria Eichhorn‘s exhibition ‘Das Geld der Kunsthalle Bern / Money at the Kunsthalle Bern’ (2000) resulted from her research into funding of the exhibition and her decision to devote the entire budget for her show to the renovation of the building. The entire museum was on show during this renovation and visitors could watch the process from up close, even in rooms that were normally hidden from view.