Luis Barragán, Jésus Reyes Ferreira and Mathias Goeritz, ‘Torres de Satélite’ (1957)
Tag Archives: mexico
Sir Edward James
Sir Edward James‘s surrealist garden in Las Pozas, a mountainous village in North-East Mexican, lost in the jungle of Xilitla, in the state of San Luis Potósi.
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Manuel Alvarez Bravo, ‘The Good Reputation Sleeping (La buena fama durmiendo)’ (1939)
Francis Alÿs
Francis Alÿs, stills from ‘Tornado’ (2000-10)
Since 2000, Alÿs has visited an area in the Mexican countryside where tornadoes occur, and has filmed his attempts to run into the eye of the storms.
Tercerunquinto, ‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ (2006)
‘Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey’ is a public sculpture on the periphery of the city of Monterrey. It consisted of a concrete foundation that was free to use by the people of Monterrey. Apart from being used as a platform for a political rally, it was transformed among others into a marketplace, a hangout, until eventually becoming claimed by a man who built his house on it. The house remains there to this day.