Oscar Abraham Pabon, ‘Carpet Corner II’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, carpet, circle, corner, DIY, fold, fuckem, height, installation, Oscar Abraham Pabon, persian, rug, scaffolds, sculpture, tapestry, textile, triangle, venezuela, wall, width, zone
Jan Hoeft, ‘Lange Latte’ (2009)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged attachments, breadth, combine, DIY, found, fuckem, installation, jan hoeft, lange latte, long, muur, obstruction, occupy, parts, sculpture, stick, the wild, trash, unknown, wall, whole
‘Setting a Good Corner (Allegory & Metaphor)’ (1999) by Bruce Nauman.
The video Setting a Good Corner (Allegory and Metaphor) (1999) shows Bruce Nauman building a corner to stretch a fence and hang a gate in his ranch in New Mexico.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, bruce nauman, build, corner, desert, DIY, fence, fuckem, gate, height, instruction, New Mexico, ranch, video, width, zone
Stijn van Dorpe, ‘Gilbert Gilbert (The space between my thumb and my middle finger)’ (2010)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged between, collage, cut out, DIY, finger, gilbert, hand, middle, pencil, personal, private, romance, sculpture, space, stijn van dorpe, text, thumb, wall