‘Password (In Chronological Alphabetical Order)’ (2004), a personalized handout by Micah Lexier.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, alphabet, Canada, canadian, collection, computer, concept, copy, DIY, flyer, found, fun, gift, give, handout, language, letters, life, micah Lexier, new, password, performance, public art, public space, romance, secret, text, unknown
Beyoncé as Frida Kahlo, Blue Ivy as Pablo Picasso and Jay Z as Jean-Michel Basquiat at a Halloween party at Charlie Bird in New York City.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, american, artists, Beyoncé, blue ivy carter, celebrity, costumes, culture, DIY, dressing up, fame, gossip, jay z, mimicry, musicians, painters, party, performance, photograph, pop stars, public art, public space, unknown, USA
Heather Phillipson, still from ‘SERIOUS TRACTION’, online commission for Opening Times (2015)
Watch here: http://otdac.org/serious-traction/
By dd
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged fast, gloves, heather phillipson, legs, love, nurse, online, opening times, operation, red, serious traction, spoon, uk, vagina, video, you look like death
Brad Troemel, ‘Ceramic Pitcher Pours Water Onto Extremely Rare Genetically Modified Triplet Watermelon’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, advertising, amazing, american, assemblage, attention, Brad Troemel, Ceramic Pitcher, chain link, collection, combination, commerce, commodities, DIY, Extremely Rare, found, fuckem, fun, Genetically Modified, imaginary, installation, New York, Pours, products, stillness, supermarket, tagline, tags, text, unknown, water, watermelon, wow-factor
How a chain link is made.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, chain link, design, factory, film, functional, gif, how, industrial, machines, made, metal, moving image, production, unknown
‘Bill Clinton – Antichrist?‘ one of the unsuccessful kickstarter campaigns.
Kickended, a project by Silvio Lorusso, is an archive of Kickstarter’s $0-pledged campaigns.
Kickended is the place where campaigns with no backers live a second life. Free from the pressure of money raising, these retain the purity of abstract ideas.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged abstract, archive, Bill clinton, campaign, crowd, crowdfunding, fail, idea, kickended, kickstarter, money, Second life, Silvio Lorusso, unsuccesful