Samuel Nias, ‘Happiness is limited’ (2013)
Dyed towels and towel rail.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged bars, color, DIY, dyed, england, gradient, installation, limited, metal, painting, rack, romance, Samuel Nias, sculpture, stack, textile, towels, uk, unknown, wall

Party invitation by unknown person. (via)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, DIY, doubtless, drawing, found, fuckem, fun, happy, invitation, joke, paper, party, question mark, romance, scribble, statement, text, the wild, unknown, welcome, woohoo

“computer charger tripwire”

“dave matthews holding my livestrong bracelet”

“2010 swimsuit edition tucked inside the art of happiness”
from ‘Adding to the internet’ (2009-2011) by Justin Kemp
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, adding, Art, blog, bracelet, charger, collage, collection, computer, dave matthews, DIY, fuckem, fun, google, holding, images, internet, joke, justin kemp, livestrong, photograph, public art, sculpture, search, swimsuit, text, tripwire, tucked, unknown

Work from ‘Salutary plank’ (2010) by Sofia Leiby
Screenprint on found book page.

‘Salutary Plank’ is a modest memorial ‘plaque’ installed at Ox-Bow School of Art commemorating the absence of happiness in a specific domain, or, the infeasibility of nostalgic fulfillment in the modern “natural” landscape.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged absence, book, DIY, else, fuckem, memorial, nature, nostalgia, page, plaque, public art, romance, salutary plank, screenprint, sofia leiby, somewhere, text, unknown
Julika Rudelius
Julika Rudelius, ‘Forever’ (2005)
Installation view and fragment.
For those interested; here‘s Rudelius’s rather nice talk at the Brooklyn Museum..