Dylan Lynch, ‘Standing alone with three cinder blocks (red)’ (2013)
by Micaël Reynaud
B. Wurtz, ‘Slide Cube’ (1979)
35 mm slides, 5 x 5 x 5 cm.
Henry Wessel, ‘Berkeley, California’ (1972)
Analia Saban, ‘Erosion (Backyard)’ (2015)
Alec Soth, from ‘Lake Superior’ (2012)
Haim Steinbach, ‘Ultra-lite #2’ (1988)
Book cover for Stan Barstow‘s novel ‘A Kind of Loving’ (1967)
Tijmen van Dijk‘s photograph of a Dutch goverment building in Groningen in ruins.
Richard Wentworth, ‘South East Spain, 2007’ (2013)