Tag Archives: commerce



Caleb Larsen

Caleb Larsen, ‘A tool to deceive and slaughter’ (2009)

A physical sculpture that is perpetually attempting to auction itself on eBay.

Every ten minutes the black box pings a server on the internet via the ethernet connection to check if it is for sale on the eBay. If its auction has ended or it has sold, it automatically creates a new auction of itself.

If a person buys it on eBay, the current owner is required to send it to the new owner. The new owner must then plug it into ethernet, and the cycle repeats itself.

Follow the current auction here: http://atooltodeceiveandslaughter.com

Leon Gaumont

This was the first ever mixer with crossfader. The Gaumont Chronophone.

In 1910, the French engineer Leon Gaumont demonstrated his sound-and-film synchronizing Chronophone system at the Gaumant Palace in Paris, France. Gaument’s Chronophone had two gramophone platters, between which a deft operator could switch back and forth.

David Shrigley

‘Boring nature’ by David Shrigley

Christin Lahr

‘Macht Geschenke: Das Kapital’ (2009 – ca. 2052) by Christin Lahr

Every day, for about 43 years, Lahr will be transferring a donation of 1 cent to the German Ministry of Finance, accompanied with 108 letters from Marx’s ‘Das Kapital’.

Merlin Carpenter

‘Make your own life’ (2006) by Merlin Carpenter

Carpenter asked ICA Philadelphia to provide him with $4,000 cash. The artist then went on a shopping spree, consuming all kinds of luxury goods and services. In the end, only the receipts and empty shopping bags were exhibited.

Fred Pradeau

‘Coca-Cola Alcohol Distiller’ (2001)

‘Coca-Cola Alcohol Bottle’ (2001) by Fred Pradeau

A huge amount of coca cola is made to rot, and alcohol is distilled from it, using a machine made out of kitchen and plumbing tools.

Roman Signer

Roman Signer, ‘Aktion mit 48 Kisten’ (1993)

Manuel Palou

Manuel Palou, ‘5 Million Dollars 1 Terrabyte’ (2011)

A 1 TB Black External Hard Drive containing $5,000,000 worth of illegally downloaded files. A full list of the files with clickable download links can be found here.

Ann-Elise Coste

Ann-Elise Coste, ‘Professionalization is killing art’ (2008)