Music video for ‘The Vile Stuff’ by Richard Dawson.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, band, bar, black, dark, DIY, drink, drunk, england, flesh, fuckem, fun, lager, meat, music, newcastle, painting, performance, poetry, richard dawson, song, stream, stuff, text, the wild, things, trash, tyne, unknown, video, vile, white, words

The Barcaccia fountain in Rome (1629 by Pietro Bernini) after being visited by Feijenoord football supporters in February 2015.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged balloon, Barcaccia Fountain, boat, bottle, Break, coca cola, Feijenoord, football, fountain, glass, Heineken, hooligan, rome, rotterdam, rum, sculpture, supporter, vandalise, water

‘Plattenbau’ (2010) by Laurent Malherbe.

Dragoljub Raša Todosijevic, ‘Balkan Banquet’ (2002) from the series ‘Gott liebt die Serben’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged balkan, banquet, Dragoljub Rasa Todosijevic, drinks, food, found, god, gott, installation, liebt, loves, meal, performance, readymade, serben, serves, swastika, table, text, the wild, trash, wine

Peter Coffin, ‘The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest form of Art’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged act, Art, bruce nauman, drinking, form, fun, highest, line, mystic, Peter Coffin, romance, spiral, statement, text, truth, unknown

Christoph Büchel, ‘Minus’ (2002)
A punk-concert was held inside a room at the Kunstverein Hannover. Immediately after the show, the entire room was frozen.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, buchel, christoph buechel, cold, concert, cool, DIY, drumkit, fuckem, fun, hannover, ice, installation, light, lights, minus, music, performance, punk, relational aesthetics, romance, sculpture, the wild, trash, unknown, venue

‘The Recovery of Discovery (The Beer Pyramid)’ (2011) by Cyprien Gaillard.
(72.000 bottles of Efes beer)

‘Sculpture for teenage boys (Miller pyramid, 13 high)’ (1990)

‘Beer cans (sculpture for teenage boys)’ (1990) by Rob Pruitt & Walter Early.

Some backstage photos I made at HISK, Ghent.
‘LA CONQUETE DE L’ESPACE’. HISK laureates 2009 exhibition (14.11 – 13.12 2009).
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