Monthly Archives: December 2011

Mark Gonzales

Mark Gonzales, ‘Circle board’

Willem Claassen

‘Bowling loop’ (2011) by Willem Claassen

Peter Coffin

Peter Coffin, ‘The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest form of Art’

Ethan Buller

‘Fuck peace’ by Ethan Buller

Peter Fuss

Peter Fuss, ‘Fucking weather’

Here come the holiday season related posts..

Merry Christmas to all!


David Byrne

David Byrne’s ‘Tight Spot’ (2011) at the Pace Gallery, NYC.

Sebastian Moody

‘The more I think about it the bigger it gets’ (2010) by Sebastian Moody

Maciej Ratajski

‘An Idea for an Artwork’ (from ‘There Is No Artwork’) (2010) by Maciej Ratajski.

John Baldessari

John Baldessari, ‘Everything is purged from this painting but art’ (1966-1968)


Tomo SavicĀ“-Gecan

Tomo Savic-Gecan, untitled (2007)