Jessie Flood-Paddock, ‘Jute Nude’ (2014)
Özlem Altin, ‘No Story, No’ (2015)
Lightbox installation for Witte de With CCA, Rotterdam.
Heidrun Holzfeind, ‘Day bed (for Elka)’ (2014)
Nicole Cherubini, ‘Astralogy’ (2013)
Johan Gelper, ‘Semi Chisel’ (2013)
Fernando Ortega, ’15 squeaks less’ (2004)
Bruce Nauman, ‘Green Light Corridor’ (1970)
Still from ‘3D Model with Fingerprints’ (2009) by Nate Hess.
Evan Roth, ‘Slide to unlock’ (2013)
Cooper Jacoby, ‘Faces and Columns’ (2014).
Copper-plated steel, penny blanks, pennies