Jello Biafra‘s cover illustration for Steven Kelman‘s ‘Push comes to Shove: The Escalation of Student Protest’ (1970)
Tag Archives: protest
Nail houses
A nail house is a Chinese neologism for homes belonging to people (sometimes called “stubborn nails”) who refuse to make room for real estate development. The term, a pun coined by developers, refers to nails that are stuck in wood, and cannot be pounded down with a hammer.
Mircea Cantor
Mircea Cantor, stills from ‘The Landscape Is Changing’ (2003)
Single-channel video with sound, 22 min.
Sharon Hayes
Sharon Hayes, ‘In the Near Future’ (2009)
In the Near Future is a staged set of anachronistic and speculative protest actions in an investigation into the figure of the protester, the speech act of the protest sign and the contemporary political construction of public space and public speech.
Joseph Beuys vs America
‘Sonne statt Reagan’ (1983) popsong by Joseph Beuys.
A protest song against America and its use of nuclear weapons.
‘I like America and America likes me’, Beuys’ famous performance in New York (1974).
In May 1974 Beuys flew to New York and was taken by ambulance to the site of the performance, a room in the René Block Gallery on East Broadway. He shared this room with a wild coyote, for eight hours over three days. At times he stood, wrapped in a thick, grey blanket of felt, leaning on a large shepherd’s staff. At the end of the three days, Beuys hugged the coyote that had grown quite tolerant of him, and was taken to the airport. Again he rode in a veiled ambulance, leaving America without having set foot on its ground.
‘Schoften’ (Dutch for ‘Bastards’), found a few years ago in the woods near Oss, NL.