Tag Archives: press



Indian farmers threshing the harvested wheat in a village in the province of Rajasthan.

Dylan Lynch

Dylan Lynch. The Weight of an Elephant, 2012, enamel, metal and ivory

Dylan Lynch, ‘The Weight of an Elephant’ (2012)

Enamel, steel and ivory.

Frances Stark

frances stark

Frances Stark, from the series ‘Ecce Homo’ (2000)

Lili Reynaud-Dewar


by Lili Reynaud-Dewar.

Benedict Drew


Benedict Drew, ‘Heads May Roll’ (2014)

Martin Soto Climent

martinsotocliment Tight shoes, 2004

Martin Soto Climent, ‘Tight shoes’ (2004)

Ryan Gander

Ryan Gander, ‘Locked room scenario’ (2011)

“Lit rooms are locked tight. Barriers are partially in place. Doors leading to dark corridors are amongst the few open – and if you push on through the labyrinth, you eventually find something – although it isn’t exactly what you expected. Uncertainty and issues of accessibility permeate the entire space and experience of it.” (Michelle Schultz for Dailyserving.com)

Boris Dornbusch

‘Slow change’ (2009) by Boris Dornbusch

Martin Soto Climent

‘Impulsive Chorus (Feldschlößchen)’ (2010) by Martin Soto Climent