Tag Archives: presentation

Jan Dibbets

Jan Dibbets-Museum Sokkel met vier hoeken van 90gr (1969)

Jan Dibbets, ‘Museum Sokkel met vier hoeken van 90°’ (‘Museum plinth with four corners at an angle of 90°’ (1969)

Dibbets dug out the four corners of the Stedelijk Museum to expose the building’s ‘plinth’.

Nicole Cherubini

nicolecherubini_Poseidon's Sister, 2014

Nicole Cherubini, ‘Astralogy’ (2013)

Olivier Millagou


‘Sand Tiki’ by Olivier Millagou.

Eva Olthof


‘The Image After’ by Eva Olthof.

The Image After is a performative presentation, which consists of three parts. It deals with questions concerning archaeological objects, their (early) photographical representations and cultural heritage in times of chaos. The first part discusses an assembly of images that depicts archaeological objects belonging to a museum in Beirut. These objects were stolen just after the civil war ended in 1991 and still remain missing.

Helmut Smits

‘Unseen works’ (2008) by Helmut Smits

CBK de Krabbedans has a collection of 4500 artworks for rent or sale. Smits asked them to put together a selection of artworks that had been in their collection for quite some time but had never been rented or sold. He then exhibited this selection.