At coming Saturday’s event ‘I want to believe’, Dutch new media collective JODI will be presenting their performance ‘ZYX’ for the first time in the Netherlands! ‘ZYX’ was developed for one of Rhizome’s events at the New Museum in New York.
The application records users’ quotidian movements and turns them into choreography—one that captures our awkward, mundane, frustrated, addicted interactions with our ubiquitous devices.
The installation ‘bios [bible]’ consists of an industrial robot, that writes down the bible on rolls of paper. The machine draws the calligraphic lines with high precision. Like a monk in the scriptorium it recreates the text step by step.
Starting with the old testament and the books of Moses, ‘bios [bible]’ produces the whole book within seven months continuously. All 66 books of the bible are written on rolls and then retained and presented in the library of the installation.
(Robotlab is Matthias Gommel, Martina Haitz and Jan Zappe)
During a lonely stay in Finland, Maarschalk asked his mother, girlfriend and roommate to pick a date and time in the future, on which they expected him and themselves to still be alive. For each person he made a drawing that shows the exact curve in which the sun enters his studio on that specific time. The drawings were sent to each participant by post.
Olivier Maarschalk is participating in WHAT’S THE POINT OF GIVING YOU ANY MORE ARTISTS? which opens coming Friday at eight.