Tag Archives: mac

Jordan Wolfson

‘Untitled’ (2007) by Jordan Wolfson combines the Prologue by Philip Leider from the film “Painters Painting The New York Art Scene 1940-1970” (by Emile de Antonio, 1972) with Wolfson’s own footage of a slow pan and zoom of a Mac Classic Computer sitting on the edge of a rural highway.

Billy Apple


‘2 Minutes 33 Seconds (Red)’ (1962) by Billy Apple.

The time it took Apple to eat and recast the apple after each munching session.

Adam Cruces

‘Deleted Rauschenberg’ (2011) by Adam Cruces

Jack Strange

Jack Strange‘s ‘Spinning beach ball of death’

Remember this?

Mike Ruiz


Mike Ruiz, ‘Extended Bliss’ (2010)

The default Windows XP wallpaper, Bliss, with white area added to the sides, then put through content-aware fill.


‘Extended Aurora’ (2010)

The Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard wallpaper, Aurora, with white area added to the sides of the image and then put through content-aware fill.

And, remember this post from a while ago…?

Arend deGruyter-Helfer

‘Meditating staring into my screensaver’ (2009)

‘Minimizing myself’ (2010) by Arend deGruyter-Helfer.

David Horvitz

Another one of Horvitz‘s instructions:
