Tag Archives: letters

Michael Crowe & Lenka Clayton

Mysterious Letters‘, by Michael Crowe and Lenka Clayton, is a large scale writing project with the goal of sending a letter to everyone in the world.

In November 2009, 620 letters were sent to each home in Polish Hill, Pittsburgh, USA.

Christin Lahr

‘Macht Geschenke: Das Kapital’ (2009 – ca. 2052) by Christin Lahr

Every day, for about 43 years, Lahr will be transferring a donation of 1 cent to the German Ministry of Finance, accompanied with 108 letters from Marx’s ‘Das Kapital’.

Mark McEvoy

Mark McEvoy, ‘Protect me from (Jenny Holzer)’ (2012)

Kris Martin

‘I am not an idiot’ (2010) by Kris Martin

Thanks, Nana!

Amos Latteier



‘Calculator haikus’, by Amos Latteier

Latteier wrote haikus by using the numbers on calculators to form words and then turning the calculator upside down.

“The calculator vocabulary is rather limited. I have come up with 118 words. I wrote a program to search the dictionary and select words that can be spelled using the letters that can be formed on a calculator. Among these are such choice words as gigolo, besiege, and ghee.”

Here’s one:

“Illegible blob
Legless eggshell oozes oil
Elegize his loss

Hellish shoe is beige
I slosh soil, slog hill

Hobble, oh high heel”


Nathan Coley


Nathan Coley, ‘We must cultivate our garden’ (2007)

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