Tag Archives: encounter

André Breton and Philippe Soupault

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André Breton and Philippe Soupault, excerpt from ‘The Magnetic Fields’ (1920)

Translated by Maria Elena Buszek

Magical squares do not make good stopping places.

Lotte Geeven


‘127109 & 127110’ (2014) by Lotte Geeven.

Two sensory robots deployed on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. According to currents of the sea the two objects are supposed to meet in the middle of the ocean approximately one year from now.  The location and time of the deployment of both objects has been carefully calculated in order to optimize the chances of an encounter. The movement of the robots can be followed on http://127109and127110.com.

Anri Sala

Anri Sala, ‘A Spurious Emission’ (2008)

The performance is based on an experience that Anri Sala had while driving across Arizona, listening to baroque chamber music on his car radio. As he pulled into a rest area, an unknown radio station playing country music intermittently interrupted the baroque music. Anri Sala commissioned a composer to transpose this sound experience into a musical score, performed by a baroque trio, a country band and a radio announcer.

Tino Sehgal

Tino Sehgal, ‘Kiss’ (2006)

Performance at the 4th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art.