Michael E. Smith , ‘Sleep’ (2013)
exhaust pipe, taxidermied chicken, 139 x 16 x 29 cm, installation view CAPC, Bordeaux
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged chicken , city , fuck , grey , metal , michael e. smith , nature , pipe , portrait , sculpture , sleep , taxidermy , the wild , trash , unknown , weird
Sarah Lucas , ‘The artist eating a banana’ (1990)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged banana , black and white , DIY , fruit , fun , joke , light , photograph , quote , sarah lucas , self-portrait , suggestive , the artist , trash , uk , warhol
‘The Hunt’ (1992) by Christian Jankowski. Better video here .
‘2 Minutes 33 Seconds (Red)’ (1962) by Billy Apple .
The time it took Apple to eat and recast the apple after each munching session.
‘One of Two Things. Apple Hills (EFK)’ (2010) by Tania Theodorou & Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky.
‘The chocolate bar’ (2003) by Bethan Huws
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged berlin , bethan huws , candy , chocolate bar , confusion , DIY , joke , language , planet , romance , speech , text , unknown , wall
Stills from the video ‘God bless America’ (2002) by Tadasu Takamine .
Tadasu Takamine and his lovely assistant shared a room with a huge clay face for eighteen consecutive days. Before the eye of the camera, they ate, slept, read, had sex and made continuous changes to the face, animating it to keep time with a scratchy, halting recording of the American patriotic classic “God Bless America”.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America , animation , camera , George W. Bush , god , god bless america , head , red , room , sex , sleep , Tadasu Takamine , video , wall
DEMOCRACIA , ‘Eat the rich/Kill the poor’ (2010)
Intervention on a hummer limo for transportation of collectors and art lovers during Armory Show 2010, New York. (Photos by Rodrigo Pereda)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action , Art , collectors , critique , democracia , economics , fuckem , hummor , intervention , kill , lovers , performance , poor , public art , rich , text , the wild , transportation , trash , vips
Andy Warhol eats a hamburger (1982)
More people eating hamburgers: Read More »