Tag Archives: desk

Franz West

Franz West — Table from-West Cafe-documenta X

Franz West, ‘Table from West Café’ at Documenta X (1997)

Pilvi Takala

‘The Trainee’ (2008)  by Pilvi Takala.

For a month the artist worked at the marketing department of Deloitte as trainee “Johanna Takala”. She sits at her workstation all day doing nothing, becoming a source of speculation for the other employees.

Giancarlo Neri


Giancarlo Neri, ‘The writer’ (2005)

Ahmet Ögüt



Ahmet Ögüt, ‘My Spy Desk’ (2011)

installation with Spy Cam Glasses, Spy Cam Watch, Spy Cam Pen, Spy Cam Lighter, Spy Cam Car Key, Spy Cam Car Key Chain, Spy Cam MP3 Player, Spy Cam Flashlight, Spy Cam Calculator, Spy Cam ID Card, Spy Cam Cap, Spy Cam Lighter and Spy Cam Clock

Steven Pippin

Fax 69, Steven Pippin, 1998

‘Fax 69’ (1998) by Steven Pippin