John Baldessari, I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art (1971)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, America, Art, black, collection, DIY, drawing, fuckem, fun, handwriting, John Baldessari, joke, paper, performance, remember, repetition, rules, unknown, USA, white, writing

Analia Saban, ‘Claim (from Chesterfield sofa)’ (2014)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged american, Analia Saban, architecture, artwork, beige, bland, blend, brown, canvas, collection, decoration, DIY, fuckem, fun, furnished, house, installation, interior, joke, mix, painting, romance, sculpture, sofa, stripped, textile, unknown, wall

‘Boring nature’ by David Shrigley
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged commerce, David Shrigley, drawing, enlarge, fuckem, funny, haha, humor, joke, maginifcation, nature, repeating, romance, text, the wild, trash, unknown, zoom

‘The Most Boring Places in the World’ (2009) by Angie Waller
“The Most Boring Places in the World” is a Google Earth tour that pinpoints the location of bloggers, live journal-ers, and chat room commentators. These authors all claim that the city they live in or vacationed in is more boring than any other place they can imagine, at least during the time of their post.
<<launch movie>> (Google Earth plugin required)

By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, angie waller, blog, computer, DIY, earth, fun, google, internet, ohio, place, public art, query, rutland, search, text, unknown, video
Another one of Horvitz‘s instructions:

By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged block of text, blog, boredom, david horvitz, DIY, fuckem, fun, horvitz, instructions, internet, joke, light, mac, net-art, notepad, screengrab, text, trash, unknown
Florian Riviere
‘Games for boring openings’ by Florian Rivie?re
Download the PDF here