Monthly Archives: January 2014

Charles Ray


‘Leak’ (1981-’85) by Charles Ray

Ruben Bellinkx

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‘Philodendron Xanad 02’ (2008) by Ruben Bellinkx. Live plant growing through a wall.

Martin Kippenberger

lamppost kippenberger

Martin Kippenberger, ‘Untitled’ (1989)

Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux


‘Fibonacci’s ladder’ by Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux

Monika Sosnowska

Monika Sosnowska, ‘Doors (Drzwi)’, 2003

Monika Sosnowska, ‘Doors (Drzwi)’ (2003)

Alec Soth

alec soth

by Alec Soth

Thomas Grünfeld


Thomas Grünfeld, ‘Dr. Buisman’ (1986)

Guillaume Bijl


‘Matratzenland’ (2003) by Guillaume Bijl.

Bas Schevers

Bas Schevers01

Bas Schevers, ‘Bad girls’ (2003)

Schevers gave the façade of Lokaal01 Antwerp a make-over, making it look like a strip club, attracting different visitors than usual.

Andreas Slominski


‘Parkplatz’ by Andreas Slominski.