Martin Parr, from the series ‘The Last Resort’ (1985)
Holidaymakers in the north of England seaside town New Brighton.
By dd
Posted in Composition
Tagged digestion, food, gorge, hot dog, ketchup, martin parr, mayo, new brighton, north of England, photo realism, photograph, saucy, series, stampede, swimsuit, table
‘Bidet Museum’ (2002) by Guillaume Bijl.
‘The Artist in his Museum’ (1822) by Charles Willson Peale
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Tagged american, artist, charles willson peale, collection, curtain, found, museum, nature, painting, romance, unknown
‘Poisoned by men in need of some love (Bubulcus ibis)’ (2013) by Petrit Halilaj.
Vitrine backdrops from the Museum of Natural History of Kosovo (print on cardboard), brass plate, one bird made of iron, soil and excrement (as shown at Wiels).
By sk
Posted in Composition
Tagged backdrop, bird, excrement, installation, kosovo, love, museum, petrit halilaj, poisoned, vitrine, wiels
‘The Image After’ by Eva Olthof.
The Image After is a performative presentation, which consists of three parts. It deals with questions concerning archaeological objects, their (early) photographical representations and cultural heritage in times of chaos. The first part discusses an assembly of images that depicts archaeological objects belonging to a museum in Beirut. These objects were stolen just after the civil war ended in 1991 and still remain missing.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Tagged Beirut, copy, Eva Olthof, missing, museum, performance, photo, presentation, representation, steal, the image after
A room inside the National Geology Museum in Bucharest (2011)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Tagged bucharest, communism, display, dodecahedron, film, geology museum, glass, history, light, minerals, rocks, romania, snapshot, wood
Russian state scientific center for robotics and technical cybernetics of St Petersburg.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Tagged architecture, brutalist, found, fuckem, public space, robotics, russian, scientific center, soviet, st petersburg, technical cybernetics, totalitarian, unknown
Trisha Donnelly at the Arsenale, Venice Biennial (2011)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Tagged abstract, concrete, dark, floor, heuristic, light, mould, piece, sculpture, symbol, trisha donnelly, Venice biennale
Derk Thijs at Rijksakademie Open 2010
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Tagged attic, carving, columns, dark, Derk Thijs, DIY, found, fuckem, installation, light, mystery, nature, romance, sculpture, solemnity, space, the wild, unknown, wood