Monthly Archives: August 2011

Thomas Grünfeld

From the ‘Misfits’ series by Thomas Grünfeld

John Espinosa

John Espinosa, ‘Things you can or can’t learn on TV’ (2001)

Marcello Maloberti

‘Die Schmetterlinge essen die Bananen’ (2010) by Marcello Maloberti.

Markus Sixay

‘Lamp to be smashed by the 1000th visitor’ (2006) by Markus Sixay

Cyprien Gaillard

‘The Recovery of Discovery (The Beer Pyramid)’ (2011) by Cyprien Gaillard.
(72.000 bottles of Efes beer)

Rob Pruitt & Walter Early

‘Sculpture for teenage boys (Miller pyramid, 13 high)’ (1990)


‘Beer cans (sculpture for teenage boys)’ (1990) by Rob Pruitt & Walter Early.

Martin Soto Climent

‘Impulsive Chorus (Feldschlößchen)’ (2010) by Martin Soto Climent

Jimmie Durham

Jimmie Durham, ‘Stoning the refrigerator’ (1996)

Tove Storch

Tove Storch, Untitled (hollowed stone) (2007)

Aaron David Ross

Aaron David Ross, eZen Garden (2011)
(Right click, “save link as”)

A simple way to use mouse scrolling as a direct means of meditation.


* Download File
* Open in Quicktime
* Two finger scroll (laptop) or use a scrollwheel mouse (desktop) to scrub the video
* Rake the garden at the rate you choose.