‘Untitled, (N°8)’ (2009) by Harald Thys & Jos de Gruyter.
Monthly Archives: November 2010
Wiebke Siem
Wiebke Siem‘s work for the exhibition ‘Konversationsstücke’ at Johnen Galerie, Berlin.
For some details of individual works, please just click below.
Piero Golia
Untitled, by Piero Golia
The machine makes the broom sweep the floor every other second.
Untitled (Carpet), (2002)
Carpet with an arrow always pointing at Golia’s house, like his personal Mecca.
Killian Rüthemann
‘Fragile Monumente (Groupshow)’ (2009) by Killian Rüthemann and
Untitled (2008), also by Killian Rüthemann
Lara Almarcegui
“Removal of the Wooden Floor, Grafisches Kabinett, Secession” (2010) by Lara Almarcegui.
Lara Almarcegui removed and then reconstructed the floor of an exhibition space.
Maria Eichhorn
Maria Eichhorn‘s exhibition ‘Das Geld der Kunsthalle Bern / Money at the Kunsthalle Bern’ (2000) resulted from her research into funding of the exhibition and her decision to devote the entire budget for her show to the renovation of the building. The entire museum was on show during this renovation and visitors could watch the process from up close, even in rooms that were normally hidden from view.
Christian N. Halsted and Jakob Ohrt / Doublethink Studio
‘Picadilly Circus’, an intervention by Christian Halsted and Jakob Ohrt (Doublethink Studio)
Halsted and Ohrt set up a free information service in one of the busiest areas of London and tried to give people whatever they wanted.
“The Doublethink Project is a research-project on various aspects of contemporary public service undertaken by Doublethink. In an attempt to comprehend this popular term, find out who it’s for and who it’s from we came up with 8 alternative abstractions on how to understand and study it.”
More examples of services on their website.