Vaast Colson, ‘Don u saved my life!’
Tag Archives: Vaast Colson
Vaast Colson
‘One hundred corkpops to celebrate the crisis and Chouchou Colson’s nine year campaign Display’, by Vaast Colson
Vaast Colson
‘Though a lie be swift, the truth overtakes it. Ten fibs I told as a child’ (2006) by Vaast Colson
Ten lies Vaast Colson told as a child were printed on 500 white balloons. Each balloon is accompanied by a mini-disc on which Colson explains the project and a signed and numbered information card. During the opening the balloons were filled with helium and released. The people who found a balloon were invited to send a photograph of themselves with the balloon. The most distant balloon thus far was found at 770 km from Antwerp.
Vaast Colson
Vaast Colson will perform at the Whatnight #2 organized by WhatSpace. This will be the opening night of the Incubate Festival in Tilburg (NL).
Thursday September 17th 2009, 16:00, at Duvelhok, Tilburg.
Vaast Colson
Vaast Colson, ‘Break Down the Wall’ (2006)
Colson opened up a hole in the wall between Maes & Matthijs Gallery and Stella Lohaus Gallery.