Tag Archives: sea

Jan Dibbets

JanDibbets_Horizon Land-Sea 0_90_1973

Jan Dibbets, ‘Horizon Land / Sea 0°-90°’ (1973)

Lotte Geeven


‘127109 & 127110’ (2014) by Lotte Geeven.

Two sensory robots deployed on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. According to currents of the sea the two objects are supposed to meet in the middle of the ocean approximately one year from now.  The location and time of the deployment of both objects has been carefully calculated in order to optimize the chances of an encounter. The movement of the robots can be followed on http://127109and127110.com.

Jan Brueghel the Elder

Jan Brueghel de Oude 1568 – 1625 De walvis zet Jona aan land_ca. 1600

Jan Brueghel the Elder, ‘De walvis zet Jona aan land’ (The whale sets Jonah on shore) (ca. 1600)

Pieter Lastman


Pieter Lastman, ‘Jonas en de walvis’ (1621)

Noemie Goudal

Noemie Goudal, Iceberg, from Haven Her Body Was

Noemie Goudal, ‘Iceberg’, from ‘Haven Her Body Was’.

Mike Kelley

Mike_KELLEY_SS Cuttlebone, 2000

Mike Kelley, ‘SS Cuttlebone’ (2000)

Heman Chong


hemanchong_Mrs Dalloway : Virginia Woolf2014

‘Mrs Dalloway : Virginia Woolf’ (2014)

hemanchong_The Possibility of An Island : Michel Houellebecq (6)2013

‘The Possibility of An Island : Michel Houellebecq’ (2013)

hemanchong_The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea : Yukio Mishima2013

‘The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea : Yukio Mishima’ (2013)

Part of an ongoing series of work by Heman Chong

Rebecca Horn

Magic Rock”, 2005 by Rebecca Horn. Special stone from the sea of Aeolian Islands near Napoli, Mountain rock

‘Magic Rock’ (2005) by Rebecca Horn

Special stone from the sea of Aeolian Islands near Napoli, mountain rock.

Cevdet Erek

‘SSS / Shore Scene Soundtrack’ (2007) by Cevdet Erek.

Thomson & Craighead

‘More Songs of Innocence and of Experience’ (2012) by Thomson & Craighead.