Erika Hock, ‘Poster Device (Diplomats & Martyrs)’ (2013)
steel, spray paint
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged diamond, diplomats, Erika Hock, fireplace, german, lack of, martyrs, mesh, poster, steel, structure, weaving, wire, zigzag

17th century tri-face (holy Trinity): the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Collection of the Kolumba museum, Cologne.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 17th century, antique, church, collection, divine, face, father, found, fuckem, god, holy spirit, man, religious, romance, saint, sculpture, son, statue, trinity, unknown, wood

Leon Vranken, ‘Raising the Elevation’ (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, concrete, DIY, elevated, found, leon vranken, plinth, public art, public space, raising the elevation, sculpture, separation

After de fall of the iron wall in 1989, several monuments and statues from Hungary’s communist period were, in stead of being destroyed, collected and placed together in Memento Park, in Budapest.
By sk
Posted in Composition
Also tagged Budapest, collection, communist, Engels, Hungary, Lenin, Marx, Memento Park, pedestal, sculpture, stalin, statue

Graham Hudson, ‘Trauma Monument’ (2008)
4 cardboard boxes, 2 tape measures.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, balance, cardboard boxes, collage, DIY, fragility, fuckem, fun, graham hudson, gravity, installation, sculpture, stack, tape measures, the wild, trash, trauma, unknown, weight

Klaus Weber, ‘Public Fountain LSD Hall’ (2003), a proposal
Installation at Frieze Art Fair 2003
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, design, fountain, frieze art fair, german, glass, guard, klaus weber, lsd, public, public space, relational aesthetics, romance, the wild, trash, utopia

‘No No No No No No’ (2011) by Sofia Hultén.

‘Z.t. (Monument sacro-gastrale)’ (2005) by Mels Dees.

David Maljkovic, stills from ‘Scene for a new heritage’
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged aluminium foil, architecture, car, david maljkovic, DIY, heritage, new, scene, soviet, still, unknown, video