‘Exit’ (2009) by Oskar Dawicki
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, clothes, DIY, escape, fuckem, fun, house, open, oskar dawicki, performance, poland, public art, public space, romance, rope, textile, the wild, unknown, window

‘Philodendron Xanad 02’ (2008) by Ruben Bellinkx. Live plant growing through a wall.

Mircea Cantor, ‘All the Directions’ (2000)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, all directions, anywhere, blank, cars, DIY, fuckem, fun, hitchhike, light, mircea cantor, paris, performance, public space, refused visa, road, romance, street view, sun, the wild, undetermined, unfixed, white

Kate Owens, ‘His caution’ (2009)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, adhesive, cardboard, caution, DIY, fuckem, fun, Gamma, glue, kate owens, painting, residue, RIP, tear, the wild, traces, trash, wall