‘Slow Internet Café’, by Sam Kronick, director of The Consortium for Slower Internet
Tag Archives: growing
Goran Trbuljak
Goran Trbuljak, Untitled, 2004 (1970 – now)
The total number of persons who have attended the openings of all Trbuljak’s individual exhibitions (those who have attended more than one opening have been counted once).
Ingo Vetter
Ingo Vetter (for the Detroit Tree of Heaven Woodshop), ‘Adaptation Laboratory’ (2004)
Exhaust-air driven greenhouse growing a ‘Tree of Heaven’ (Ailanthus altissima), a rare deciduous tree of tropical origin.
Billy(TM) Apple
This is a picture of the apple ‘species’ that Billy Apple is growing in New Zealand. A spotless, perfectly red apple that’s supposed to hit a grocery store near you sometime in the coming years…