Tag Archives: fountain

Filip Gilissen

Filip Gilissen, ‘The winner takes it all’ (2008)

Fernando Sánchez Castillo

Fernando Sánchez Castillo, ‘Spitting leaders’ (2008), Sonsbeek sculpture exhibition, Arnhem.


Mandla Reuter

‘Fountain’ (2010) by Mandla Reuter.

Michael Stevenson

‘The fountain of prosperity’ (2007) by Michael Stevenson

The Fountain of Prosperity (2007) is a reconstruction of the ‘Moniac’, a machine designed in the late 1940s by New Zealand economist Bill Phillips to illustrate the concept of monetary flow in national economies. A fixed volume of red-dyed water, representing money, is pumped through a system of transparent tubes and sluices into clear chambers representing factors such as ‘surplus balances’ and ‘International Monetary Funds’. Regarded as an extremely developed tool for analysing economic functions, 15 of these devices were built and shipped around the world. Stevenson discovered that one of the machines was acquired by the Central Bank of Guatemala in 1952, and has imagined what it might look like today. His replica is corroding and leaking, and the chamber marked ‘held balances’ is empty, suggesting that the economic model it represents is on the verge of collapse.

Read more about the project here.


‘World Community Grid Water Features’ by AIDS-3D

A group of spectacular cast-fiberglass fountains stand together on an elevated server-room floor. A Fit PC 2 (the smallest PC currently available, 96% more energy efficient than a standard desktop) is installed in each water feature. Whenever the fountains are plugged in, the Linux PC’s will automatically boot up and run World Community Grid software, a distributed computing project which uses a massive network of PC’s around the world to model solutions for various humanitarian problems, such as: “Clean Energy Project”, “Influenza Antiviral Drug Search”, “ Fight Aids@home” and “Nutritious Rice for the World”. The delightful splashing of the water and twinkle of the energy-efficient LED’s act as relaxing and meditative status-light for the computers, tirelessly laboring within. Although there is no screen visible in the installation, the computation progress can be remotely monitored through a dedicated website.

Derk Thijs at RijksakademieOPEN 2009


Studio of Derk Thijs at the RijksakademieOPEN 2009.

A personal favourite at last weekend’s Rijksakademie open studios. 

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