The Hut Project, ‘Un-fair’ (2009)
Bronze cast of a stone from outside the artists’ studio, worn in the Assistant Director’s shoe during installation of ‘The Fair Show’.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, assistant, bother, cast, decomment, director, DIY, england, found, fuckem, fun, joke, light, london, nature, nuisance, object, pebble, performance, public art, romance, sculpture, shoe, The Hut Project, the wild, trash, trouble, uk, un-fair, unfair, walking

‘2 Minutes 33 Seconds (Red)’ (1962) by Billy Apple.
The time it took Apple to eat and recast the apple after each munching session.

‘Cube’ (2006) by Rebecca Warren
Bronze on MDF on wheels.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged cube, fake, fun, mdf, mobile, painted, position, rebecca warren, rock, sculpture, wheels

A sculpture in a park in Deventer was cut off at the ankles by bronzethieves.

The original.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, blog, DIY, fuckem, money, park, public art, sculpture, steal, the wild, thieves, trash, unknown, value, vandalism

Kathrin Schlegel, ‘Bitte nicht wieder klauen’ (‘Please don’t steal again’) (2011)
Work for an existing pedestal whose sculpture had been stolen. This original was a figurative bronze sculpture by Jan Spiering that showed two figures playing with a ball. The work is based on the “absent presence” of the ball as a relic of Spiering’s work, which is realized on the abandoned pedestal in the form of a classic magic trick: the “floating ball under a cloth”.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged absent, ball, floating, jan spiering, kathrin schlegel, magic, pedestal, presence, public art, public space, romance, sculpture, steal, stolen, trick

‘YaYoi’ (2005) by Corey McCorkle.
By sk
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged antwerp, ball, bling, copper, Corey McCorkle, middelheim, nature, public art, romance, sculpture, what's in a name, yayoi
The Hut Project
The Hut Project, ‘Un-fair’ (2009)
Bronze cast of a stone from outside the artists’ studio, worn in the Assistant Director’s shoe during installation of ‘The Fair Show’.