Los Carpinteros, ‘Croissant I’ (2013)
Watercolour on paper.
René Magritte, ‘L’avenir’ (1936)
Wilfredo Prieto, Bread with Bread (2011)
Matthew Ronay, ‘Rewildlings’ (2007)
Victor Briestensky, Untitled (2009)
David de Tscharner, ‘Lost’ (1998)
Antony Gormley, ‘Bread Line’ (1979)
1 x 1 500 x 3 cm
From the series ‘Stereogram’ by Charlie Engman
Matt Johnson, ‘Breadface’ (2004)
Oil paint on cast plastic.
Tatsumi Orimoto, from the series ‘Bread man’ (1991-2007)