Author Archives: dd

Pip Dickens

pip dickens-Venus Freak

pip dickens-Artificial Intelligence

‘Venus Freak’ and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ by Pip Dickens

Beth Collar

Beth Collar - distance-quarry

Beth Collar, ‘(sketch for a woman’s hand emerging from a flooded quarry)’ (2014)

Hubert Robert

hubert robert_the accident_ca.1790-1804

accident robert hubert

Hubert Robert, ‘The Accident’ (ca. 1790-1804)

Aleksei Kruchenykh

Aleksei Kruchenykh, ‘Vselenskaia voina (Universal war)’ (1916)

Audio recording. Poems read by Masha Chlenova, 2012. The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Olga Rozanova

Explosion in a Trunk from Universal War Olga Rozanova

DestructionOfGardens tumblr_mte1xr9gKk1rgxgbko1_1280

Olga Rozanova, ‘Explosion in a Trunk’ and ‘Destruction of Gardens’ from Universal War, an artist book by Aleksei Kruchenykh (1916)

‘Battle of the Futurist and the Ocean’ (~1916)

Mowry Baden

Marsupial-1 Marsupial-2

Mowry Baden, ‘Marsupial’ (2013)

Steel, aluminum, fabric, rubber

Jesse Wine

Jesse Wine, Young man red II

Jesse Wine, ‘Young man red (eating)’ (2014)

glazed ceramic and steel, dimensions variable (figure 350cm tall)

Joni Mitchell


A painting by Joni Mitchell of her cat, Nietzsche (1997)

Read the much talked about interview in NYmag

Frances Stark

frances stark

Frances Stark, from the series ‘Ecce Homo’ (2000)