Monthly Archives: February 2015

Wiebke Grösch & Frank Metzger

Wiebke Groesch_Frank Metzger, Untitled, 2014, Fig leaves

Wiebke Grösch & Frank Metzger, Untitled (2014)

Fig leaves.

Christiane Löhr

christianeloehr-Zwei kleine Kuppeln two little domes, 2009 plant stalks, grass stalks

Christiane Löhr, ‘Zwei kleine Kuppeln (two little domes)’ (2009)

Plant stalks, grass stalks.

Loris Gréaud


‘Devils Tower Satellite’ (2005) by Loris Gréaud.

Robert Delaunay


Robert Delaunay, ‘Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)’ (1911)

Georgia O’Keeffe

City Night_1926_Georgia O-Keeffe

‘City Night’ (1926) by Georgia O’Keeffe

Matt Dunham

Matt Dunham

Bankers in London’s City enjoy the sun, reflected by the surrounding buildings’ glass façades.

Photograph by Matt Dunham



Balthus, ‘The Street’ (1933)

Grant Wood

Grant Wood - American Gothic (1930)

Grant Wood, ‘American Gothic’ (1930)

Alice Neel

alice-neel_Hartley with a Cat, 1969

Alice Neel, ‘Hartley with a Cat’ (1969)

Diego Velázquez


The ‘Portrait of Prince Philip Prospero’, a 1659 portrait of Philip Prospero, Prince of Asturias by Diego Velázquez.