Monthly Archives: June 2013

Llobet & Pons


‘A4A3A4’ (2007) by Llobet & Pons

Darren Tesar

darrentesar_“223 Cigar Boxes” is a replica of the Guinness World Record for “Most Cigar Boxes Balanced on Chin” held by Ashrita Furman

Darren Tesar, ‘223 Cigar Boxes’ (2010)

A polystyrene replica of the Guinness World Record for “Most Cigar Boxes Balanced on Chin”, held by Ashrita Furman. That original record was executed November 2006 and lasted for approximately five seconds.

Isaac Newton

newton tree


This apple tree is located at Woolsthorpe Manor, near Grantham, Lincolnshire, and it is here under its branches that Isaac Newton sat in 1665 when ‘the notion of gravitation came to mind’.

Axel Loytved


Axel Loytved, ‘You have to have ideas’ (2

Michael Wolf


Michael Wolf, ‘Real Fake Art’ (2006) featuring a copy of Gerhard Richter’s ‘Two Candles’ (1982)

The ‘Real Fake Art’ series explores the copy art industry in China, which exports 70% of copies of famous masterpieces to North America and Europe.

Reiner Ruthenbeck

Reiner Ruthenbeck_Arche Noah II  1972

Reiner Ruthenbeck, ‘Arche Noah II’ (1972)

Roni Horn

Zabrodski-Chinati-18 Zabrodski-Horn3

Roni Horn, ‘Things That Happen Again, Pair Object VII (For a Here and a There)’ (1986-1988)

Sinta Werner


‘Raumsignatur’ (2012) by Sinta Werner.

From ‘Something that Stands for Something / Double-Described Tautologies.

Leon Vranken


Leon Vranken, ‘Il doppio’ (2012)

Grayson Cox

Grayson Cox, Ergonomic discussion lectern 2010

Grayson Cox, Ergonomic discussion lectern 2010-2

‘Ergonomic discussion lectern’ (2010) by Grayson Cox