Sarra Turan, untitled (2012)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged Abstraction, blocks, collection, color, design, divide, DIY, field, germany, minimal, painting, Sarra Turan, scale, sculpture, size, tables, tone, wood
Ericka Beckman, ‘You the Better’ (excerpt) (1983)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged America, architecture, blocks, building, concrete, design, DIY, ericka beckman, fall, film, fuckem, fun, games, girls, guys, housing, kids, music, performance, planning, play, song, subdivide, unknown, urban, USA
Job Koelewijn, ‘Relief 25 march 2009 – 6 jan 2012’ (2012)
Every day, for 45 minutes, Job Koelewijn read aloud a book, recording his voice on cassette tapes, creating columns whose height corresponds to the length and complexity of the book.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged audio, books, cassette, collection, columns, DIY, holland, job koelewijn, netherlands, reading, romance, sculpture, sound, text, unknown, voice
Bethan Huws, Untitled (Do you think I should order …) (2013)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged alphabet, bethan huws, black, books, DIY, fun, joke, pun, system, text, unknown, wales, white
Paul Geelen, ‘Mólubdos Manteía’ (2014)
Molten lead on metal structure.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged Abstraction, action, architecture, barrier, black, blob, chaos, collection, DIY, fuckem, fun, geometry, installation, lead, lines, melt, metal, molten, movement, nature, netherlands, pattern, paul geelen, performance, romance, sculpture, stand, structure, support, swirl, swoosh, the wild, unknown
Yona Friedman, from the ‘Ville Spatiale’ series (1959)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged anarchist, anti, architecture, chaos, collection, construction, DIY, expanding, fragile, france, fuckem, grid, Hungary, installation, mobile, model, modular, proposal, public space, romance, sculpture, series, thin, unknown, yona friedman
Christiane Löhr, ‘Konvexes Haarnetz’ (‘Convex hairwork’) (2005)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged architecture, chaos, christiane löhr, DIY, found, fragile, fuckem, germany, grid, hair, needles, net, network, pins, romance, sculpture, strings, the wild, thin, trash, unknown
‘Hotel Inter-Continental, Leipzig, Zimmer 2116, Nacht zum 12. Dez. 1999’
‘Hotel Lux, Grenoble, Zimmer 53, Nacht zum 10. Januar 1999’ by Florian Slotawa
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, babushka, bed, collection, DIY, florian slotawa, found, fuckem, fun, furniture, grenoble, hotel room, installation, leipzig, linen, performance, rearrange, sculpture, shelter, stack, the wild, trash, unknown, wall
Gabriel Orozco, ‘Asterisms’ (2012)