Sylvia Sleigh, ‘Felicity Rainnie Reclining’ (1972)
Alice Tomaselli, ‘Bouquet of 54 natural flowers and one artificial’ (2012)
Thomas Rentmeister, untitled (2013)
Chicken wire and Nutella.
Diego Santomé, ‘Gravedad, tension y estabilidad’ (2012)
‘Tree fell site’ (2007-2087), by Department of natural history (Ryan Thompson)
Documentary footage of a tree felling is slowed down to mirror the life span of the tree, 80 years. The video will play once through, thus ending in the year 2087.
‘Tree Fell Site (Stump)’, pigment print (2007)
Ryan Thompson
‘Tree fell site’ (2007-2087), by Department of natural history (Ryan Thompson)
Documentary footage of a tree felling is slowed down to mirror the life span of the tree, 80 years. The video will play once through, thus ending in the year 2087.
‘Tree Fell Site (Stump)’, pigment print (2007)