Tag Archives: germany

Charlotte Posenenske

Charlotte Posenenske, Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes), 1967_2009

Charlotte Posenenske, Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes), 1967_2009-2

Charlotte Posenenske, ‘Series D Vierkantrohre (Square Tubes)’ (1967-2009)

Katinka Pilscheur

katinka_pilscheur-5-2006-1 2006

‘5-2006-1’ (2006) by Katinka Pilscheur

Annette Kelm

Annette Kelm Iron Filings, Smile, 2013

Annette Kelm, ‘Iron Filings, Smile’ (2013)

Max Zerrahn


by Max Zerrahn

Kurt Schwitters

Painted Stone 1945-7 by Kurt Schwitters 1887-1948

Kurt Schwitters, ‘Painted stone’ (1945-47)

Boris Dornbusch



Boris Dornbusch, ‘Involving all members’ (2008)

Dirk Verschure


by Dirk Verschure

John Cage – As Slow as Possible


Organ²/ASLSP (As SLow aS Possible) is a musical piece by John Cage and the subject of one of the longest-lasting musical performances yet undertaken. It was originally written in 1987 for organ and is adapted from the earlier work ASLSP 1985; a typical performance of the piano version lasts 20 to 70 minutes. In 1985, Cage opted to omit the detail of exactly how slowly the piece should be played.

The performance of the organ version at St. Burchardi church in Halberstadt, Germany, began in 2001 and is scheduled to have a duration of 639 years, ending in 2640.


Hans-Peter Feldmann

Hans-Peter Feldmann Collages of magazine photographs 1960

Hans-Peter Feldmann, ‘Collage of magazine photographs’ (1960)

Samuel Treindl

samueltreidl-Stecktick-Der Mensch braucht Optionen

Samuel Treindl, ‘Stecktick (Der Mensch braucht Optionen)’