Martin Boyce, untitled (2013)
Chloe Seibert, ‘Concrete Expression #5’ (2013)
Luis Barragán, Jésus Reyes Ferreira and Mathias Goeritz, ‘Torres de Satélite’ (1957)
Brion Cemetary (1968-78), by Carlo Scarpa
Dylan Lynch, ‘Standing alone with three cinder blocks (red)’ (2013)
Ericka Beckman, ‘You the Better’ (excerpt) (1983)
by Micaël Reynaud
John Hejduk, ‘Wall House II’ (1973), in Groningen (NL).
Tijmen van Dijk‘s photograph of a Dutch goverment building in Groningen in ruins.
Jessie Flood-Paddock, ‘Be Closer Knit (4 pieces)’ (2009)