Jessie Flood-Paddock, ‘Be Closer Knit (4 pieces)’ (2009)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged balls, color, concrete, DIY, england, fuckem, fun, green, Jessie Flood-Paddock, knit, pink, sculpture, trash, weight, wool

Bethan Huws, ‘African Sculpture’ (2006)
Chocolate cast.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged africa, Art, berlin, bethan huws, cartoon, chocolate, cocoa, colour, DIY, edible, faces, folklore, found, fuckem, heads, man, plantation, product, romance, sculpture, statue, tribal, unknown, wales, welsh

The Hut Project, ‘Un-fair’ (2009)
Bronze cast of a stone from outside the artists’ studio, worn in the Assistant Director’s shoe during installation of ‘The Fair Show’.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, assistant, bother, bronze, decomment, director, DIY, england, found, fuckem, fun, joke, light, london, nature, nuisance, object, pebble, performance, public art, romance, sculpture, shoe, The Hut Project, the wild, trash, trouble, uk, un-fair, unfair, walking

Sound recordings from three glaciers in Iceland, pressed into three records, cast, and frozen with the meltwater from each of these glaciers, and played on three turntables until they completely melt.

Kris van Dessel, ‘Reposition’ (2011)
Cast screw holes from Van Dessel’s studio.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, architecture, belgium, cavity, collection, DIY, empty, fill, found, kris van dessel, mould, reposition, romance, screw holes, sculpture, space, trash, unknown, wall

Marek Kvetan, ‘Transfer’ (2000)
A cast of a piece of industrial pipe with various wires inside.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, cables, collection, DIY, electricity, found, fragment, fuckem, history, industrial, industry, leftovers, light, marek kvetan, piece, pipe, remainders, romance, sculpture, the wild, trash, unknown, wires

‘Boneless Banquet for One’ (2013) by Marlie Mul.

Jasper Johns, ‘Memory Piece’ (Frank O’Hara) (1970)
By dd
Posted in Composition
Also tagged 70s, action, drawer, foot, Frank O'Hara, fun, future, imprint, jasper johns, Mark, memory, past, present, romance, sand, sculpture, trace, wood

‘Detached III’ (2012) by Rachel Whiteread.

‘Gasoline Sculpture 01-04’ (2011) by Matias Faldbakken.
The Hut Project
The Hut Project, ‘Un-fair’ (2009)
Bronze cast of a stone from outside the artists’ studio, worn in the Assistant Director’s shoe during installation of ‘The Fair Show’.