Tercerunquinto, ‘Ampliación de un área verde’ (2004)
Tercerunquinto placed and extended a grass patch in a parking area in Mexico City.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, architecture, city, disrupt, DIY, fuckem, fun, grass, green, installation, intervention, landscape, landscaping, mexico city, nature, parking spot, performance, public art, public space, romance, street view, tercerunquinto, the wild, urban

From the series ‘Mountains with no names’ (2003) by Marine Hugonnier
These photographs, drawn from a larger series, are portraits Hugonnier took of the mountains that surround the Pandjshêr Valley in the northeast of Afghanistan. These mountains have never been named: they remain blank areas on the map where only the paths are given names by local inhabitants.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged afghanistan, blank, england, found, fuckem, marine hugonnier, mountains, names, Pandjshêr Valley, photography, portraits, romance, text, unknown

Ahmet Ögüt, ‘This area is under 23 hour video and audio surveillance’ (2009)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged 23 hours, action, Ahmet Ö?üt, audio, fuckem, installation, muur, photo, public art, surveillance, text, trash, unknown, video, wall

Herman van Ingelgem, ‘The visitor’ (2007)
Fan and aerated cement blocks
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By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged action, belgium, DIY, fuckem, fun, Gamma, herman van ingelgem, installation, joke, light, muur, resort, sausages, sculpture, the wild, trash, unknown, van ingelgem, visitor, wall