Institute for New Feeling, ‘Seek’ (2015)
a private session using the internet to tell your future.
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged America, design, esotherica, feelings, fuckem, fun, future, installation, Institute for New Feeling, liquidity, modernity, new age, optimism, participation, performance, predict, progress, prophecy, purity, relative, romance, screen, seek, spiritualism, surface, technology, treatment, unknown, USA, water, world

Tom of Finland, untitled (1968)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, beach, black, couple, DIY, drawing, erotics, fuckem, gay, heroes, homoeroticism, joy, light, men, muscles, nude, pencil, romance, the wild, Tom of Finland, Touko Laaksonen, towels, trash, unknown, USA

Maria Bartuszová, ‘Folded figure’ (c. 1965)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged body, clay, curves, czech, DIY, folds, form, human, Maria Bartuszová, modernism, nature, plaster, romance, sculpture, unknown
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged body, clay, curves, DIY, england, folds, fuckem, fun, Jessie Flood-Paddock, london, modernism, portrait, romance, sculpture, smooth
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, blue, buildings, city, colors, concrete, installation, Jésus Reyes Ferreira, Luis Barragán, Mathias Goeritz, mexico, north america, painterly, painting, primary, public art, public space, red, sculpture, sky, skyline, the wild, Torres de Satélite, towers, unknown, urbanism, wall, yellow

Bernard Tschumi, ‘Advertisements for Architecture’ (1976-1977)
Several early theoretical texts were illustrated with Advertisements for Architecture, a series of postcard-sized juxtapositions of words and images. Each was a manifesto of sorts, confronting the dissociation between the immediacy of spatial experience and the analytical definition of theoretical concepts. The function of the Advertisements —reproduced again and again, as opposed to the single architectural piece—was to trigger desire for something beyond the page itself.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged action, advertisements, America, architecture, Bernard Tschumi, black, building, collection, design, disable, DIY, erotic, france, fuckem, house, Le Corbusier, magazine, print, sensual, text, theoretical, theory, unknown, USA, villa savoye

SITE, ‘High-rise of Homes, catalog of house units, major urban center’ (1981)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, architecture, balcony, black, building, design, drawing, green, house, inhabitants, james wines, line, living, nature, private space, public space, site, space, the wild, unknown, urbanism, USA, wall

Rainer Jägals, ‘Hommage à OMU’ (1967)
By mh
Posted in Abstraction
Also tagged architecture, axonometric, black, buildings, collection, design, DIY, drawing, germany, house, line, morph, mutation, om ungers, progression, rainer jägals, sculpture, series, unknown

Werner Reiterer, ‘Life counts Death’ (2008)
Wood, loudspeaker, electronics.
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged assemblage, austria, beats, counting, cube, drum, fuckem, fun, light, moments, movement, performance, rhythm, romance, sculpture, sound, space, time, unknown, volume, werner reiterer, wood

Henry Wessel, ‘Berkeley, California’ (1972)
By mh
Posted in Composition
Also tagged America, architecture, black, collection, driveway, found, fuckem, fun, ghost, henry wessel, house, lawn, light, outside, photograph, private, public, romance, trees, unknown, USA